Condition: Brugada Syndrome 1

rs1060499900 in SCN5A gene and Brugada Syndrome 1 PMID 23994779 2013 Executive summary: HRS/EHRA/APHRS expert consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of patients with inherited primary arrhythmia syndromes.

PMID 26776555 2016 SCN5A(K817E), a novel Brugada syndrome-associated mutation that alters the activation gating of NaV1.5 channel.

PMID 24167619 2013 Electrophysiological characteristics of a SCN5A voltage sensors mutation R1629Q associated with Brugada syndrome.

PMID 16266370 2005 Novel Brugada syndrome-causing mutation in ion-conducting pore of cardiac Na+ channel does not affect ion selectivity properties.

PMID 26279430 2015 De Novo Mutation in the SCN5A Gene Associated with Brugada Syndrome.

PMID 17081365 2006 [Novel SCN5A gene mutations associated with Brugada syndrome: V95I, A1649V and delF1617].

PMID 9521325 1998 Genetic basis and molecular mechanism for idiopathic ventricular fibrillation.

PMID 18456723 2008 Subepicardial phase 0 block and discontinuous transmural conduction underlie right precordial ST-segment elevation by a SCN5A loss-of-function mutation.

PMID 18451998 2008 The E1784K mutation in SCN5A is associated with mixed clinical phenotype of type 3 long QT syndrome.

PMID 16616735 2006 A novel SCN5A mutation, F1344S, identified in a patient with Brugada syndrome and fever-induced ventricular fibrillation.

PMID 18252757 2008 Analyses of a novel SCN5A mutation (C1850S): conduction vs. repolarization disorder hypotheses in the Brugada syndrome.

PMID 18341814 2007 [Gene (SCN5A) mutation analysis of a Chinese family with Brugada syndrome].

PMID 17198989 2007 A sodium channel pore mutation causing Brugada syndrome.

PMID 19251209 2009 Type of SCN5A mutation determines clinical severity and degree of conduction slowing in loss-of-function sodium channelopathies.

PMID 16325048 2005 High risk for bradyarrhythmic complications in patients with Brugada syndrome caused by SCN5A gene mutations.

PMID 10690282 1999 Human SCN5A gene mutations alter cardiac sodium channel kinetics and are associated with the Brugada syndrome.

PMID 10532948 1999 Ionic mechanisms responsible for the electrocardiographic phenotype of the Brugada syndrome are temperature dependent.

PMID 11823453 2002 Genetic and biophysical basis of sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome (SUNDS), a disease allelic to Brugada syndrome.

PMID 12106943 2002 Genotype-phenotype relationship in Brugada syndrome: electrocardiographic features differentiate SCN5A-related patients from non-SCN5A-related patients.

PMID 19272188 2009 Distinct functional defect of three novel Brugada syndrome related cardiac sodium channel mutations.

PMID 15579534 2004 Nav1.5 E1053K mutation causing Brugada syndrome blocks binding to ankyrin-G and expression of Nav1.5 on the surface of cardiomyocytes.

PMID 21810866 2011 HRS/EHRA expert consensus statement on the state of genetic testing for the channelopathies and cardiomyopathies: this document was developed as a partnership between the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) and the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA).

PMID 23788249 2013 ACMG recommendations for reporting of incidental findings in clinical exome and genome sequencing.

PMID 27854360 2017 Recommendations for reporting of secondary findings in clinical exome and genome sequencing, 2016 update (ACMG SF v2.0): a policy statement of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics.

PMID 25356965 2015 ACMG policy statement: updated recommendations regarding analysis and reporting of secondary findings in clinical genome-scale sequencing.

PMID 26111534 2015 Loss-of-Function SCN5A Mutations Associated With Sinus Node Dysfunction, Atrial Arrhythmias, and Poor Pacemaker Capture.

PMID 20129283 2010 An international compendium of mutations in the SCN5A-encoded cardiac sodium channel in patients referred for Brugada syndrome genetic testing.

PMID 11807557 2002 A calcium sensor in the sodium channel modulates cardiac excitability.

PMID 21273195 2011 Facilitatory and inhibitory effects of SCN5A mutations on atrial fibrillation in Brugada syndrome.

PMID 15808832 2005 Cryptic 5' splice site activation in SCN5A associated with Brugada syndrome.

PMID 15863661 2005 Unconventional intronic splice site mutation in SCN5A associates with cardiac sodium channelopathy.