Condition: Hematuria, Benign Familial

rs121912826 in COL4A3;MFF-DT gene and Hematuria, Benign Familial PMID 11961012 2002 Mutations in theCOL4A4 and COL4A3 genes cause familial benign hematuria.

rs121912860 in COL4A4 gene and Hematuria, Benign Familial PMID 8787673 1996 Benign familial hematuria due to mutation of the type IV collagen alpha4 gene.

PMID 11961012 2002 Mutations in theCOL4A4 and COL4A3 genes cause familial benign hematuria.

PMID 12631110 2003 Mutations in the COL4A4 gene in thin basement membrane disease.

rs121912827 in MFF-DT;COL4A3 gene and Hematuria, Benign Familial PMID 11961012 2002 Mutations in theCOL4A4 and COL4A3 genes cause familial benign hematuria.

PMID 9195222 1997 The clinical spectrum of type IV collagen mutations.