Condition: Interleukin 17 Measurement

rs17106604 in ADCK1 gene and Interleukin 17 Measurement PMID 27989323 2017 Genome-wide Association Study Identifies 27 Loci Influencing Concentrations of Circulating Cytokines and Growth Factors.

rs11110094 in ANKS1B gene and Interleukin 17 Measurement PMID 27989323 2017 Genome-wide Association Study Identifies 27 Loci Influencing Concentrations of Circulating Cytokines and Growth Factors.

rs45498698 in EPHA8 gene and Interleukin 17 Measurement PMID 27989323 2017 Genome-wide Association Study Identifies 27 Loci Influencing Concentrations of Circulating Cytokines and Growth Factors.

rs17282552 in KLF7 gene and Interleukin 17 Measurement PMID 27989323 2017 Genome-wide Association Study Identifies 27 Loci Influencing Concentrations of Circulating Cytokines and Growth Factors.

rs184080173 in NAV3 gene and Interleukin 17 Measurement PMID 27989323 2017 Genome-wide Association Study Identifies 27 Loci Influencing Concentrations of Circulating Cytokines and Growth Factors.

rs1530455 in PDIA5 gene and Interleukin 17 Measurement PMID 27989323 2017 Genome-wide Association Study Identifies 27 Loci Influencing Concentrations of Circulating Cytokines and Growth Factors.

rs11640734 in ZNF276 gene and Interleukin 17 Measurement PMID 27989323 2017 Genome-wide Association Study Identifies 27 Loci Influencing Concentrations of Circulating Cytokines and Growth Factors.