Condition: Megacystis

rs587777387 in ACTG2 gene and Megacystis PMID 26813947 2016 Variants of the ACTG2 gene correlate with degree of severity and presence of megacystis in chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction.

PMID 24676022 2014 Heterozygous de novo and inherited mutations in the smooth muscle actin (ACTG2) gene underlie megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome.

PMID 24337657 2014 De novo ACTG2 mutations cause congenital distended bladder, microcolon, and intestinal hypoperistalsis.

PMID 25998219 2015 New Insights into the Genetics of Fetal Megacystis: ACTG2 Mutations, Encoding γ-2 Smooth Muscle Actin in Megacystis Microcolon Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome (Berdon Syndrome).

rs1553787619 in MYLK gene and Megacystis PMID 28602422 2017 Loss-of-Function Variants in MYLK Cause Recessive Megacystis Microcolon Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome.