Condition: Platinum measurement

rs13047590 in ADARB1 gene and Platinum measurement PMID 31296530 2019 Clinical and Genome-Wide Analysis of Serum Platinum Levels after Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy.

rs1377817 in MYH14 gene and Platinum measurement PMID 31296530 2019 Clinical and Genome-Wide Analysis of Serum Platinum Levels after Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy.

rs6759709 in MYT1L gene and Platinum measurement PMID 31296530 2019 Clinical and Genome-Wide Analysis of Serum Platinum Levels after Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy.

rs150691387 in SEM1 gene and Platinum measurement PMID 31296530 2019 Clinical and Genome-Wide Analysis of Serum Platinum Levels after Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy.

rs61878760 in TEAD1 gene and Platinum measurement PMID 31296530 2019 Clinical and Genome-Wide Analysis of Serum Platinum Levels after Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy.

rs138013532 in TENM3 gene and Platinum measurement PMID 31296530 2019 Clinical and Genome-Wide Analysis of Serum Platinum Levels after Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy.