Condition: Polyp of large intestine

rs63751012 in EPM2AIP1;MLH1 gene and Polyp of large intestine PMID 25420488 2015 Evidence for presence of mismatch repair gene expression positive Lynch syndrome cases in India.

rs1021631442 in FBXO11;MSH6 gene and Polyp of large intestine PMID 23047549 2012 Frequency of mutations in mismatch repair genes in a population-based study of women with ovarian cancer.

rs1553413710 in MSH6;FBXO11 gene and Polyp of large intestine PMID 22949379 2013 A multifactorial likelihood model for MMR gene variant classification incorporating probabilities based on sequence bioinformatics and tumor characteristics: a report from the Colon Cancer Family Registry.