Condition: Proteinuria

rs1428826948 in APOL1 gene and Proteinuria PMID 20647424 2010 Association of trypanolytic ApoL1 variants with kidney disease in African Americans.

rs74375025 in CUBN gene and Proteinuria PMID 30476138 2019 Sequence variants associating with urinary biomarkers.

rs2075252 in LRP2 gene and Proteinuria PMID 30476138 2019 Sequence variants associating with urinary biomarkers.

rs869025495 in NPHS2 gene and Proteinuria PMID 17899208 2007 NPHS2 (podicin) mutations in Turkish children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome.

PMID 14675423 2004 Plasma membrane targeting of podocin through the classical exocytic pathway: effect of NPHS2 mutations.

PMID 15504144 2004 A novel NPHS2 gene mutation in Turkish children with familial steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome.

PMID 14978175 2004 Patients with mutations in NPHS2 (podocin) do not respond to standard steroid treatment of nephrotic syndrome.

PMID 15253708 2004 NPHS2 mutation analysis shows genetic heterogeneity of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome and low post-transplant recurrence.