Condition: Sudden infant death syndrome

rs121909281 in CAV3;SSUH2 gene and Sudden infant death syndrome PMID 17275750 2007 Novel mechanism for sudden infant death syndrome: persistent late sodium current secondary to mutations in caveolin-3.

rs199473190 in SCN5A gene and Sudden infant death syndrome PMID 21810866 2011 HRS/EHRA expert consensus statement on the state of genetic testing for the channelopathies and cardiomyopathies: this document was developed as a partnership between the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) and the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA).

PMID 19302788 2009 Biophysical characterization of a new SCN5A mutation S1333Y in a SIDS infant linked to long QT syndrome.

PMID 18596570 2008 We studied three major genes causing long QT syndrome in 42 Japanese SIDS victims and found five mutations, KCNQ1-K598R, KCNH2-T895M, SCN5A-F532C, SCN5A-G1084S, and SCN5A-F1705S, in four cases; one case had both KCNH2-T895M and SCN5A-G1084S.

PMID 18596570 2008 We studied three major genes causing long QT syndrome in 42 Japanese SIDS victims and found five mutations, KCNQ1-K598R, KCNH2-T895M, SCN5A-F532C, SCN5A-G1084S, and SCN5A-F1705S, in four cases; one case had both KCNH2-T895M and SCN5A-G1084S.

PMID 19302788 2009 The correlation between the biophysical data and arrhythmia susceptibility suggested that the SIDS was secondary to the LQT3-associated S1333Y mutation.

PMID 18596570 2008 Cardiac ion channel gene mutations in sudden infant death syndrome.

PMID 18596570 2008 We studied three major genes causing long QT syndrome in 42 Japanese SIDS victims and found five mutations, KCNQ1-K598R, KCNH2-T895M, SCN5A-F532C, SCN5A-G1084S, and SCN5A-F1705S, in four cases; one case had both KCNH2-T895M and SCN5A-G1084S.

rs121909282 in SSUH2;CAV3 gene and Sudden infant death syndrome PMID 17275750 2007 Novel mechanism for sudden infant death syndrome: persistent late sodium current secondary to mutations in caveolin-3.