Condition: Tonic - clonic seizures

rs1553798675 in FGF12 gene and Tonic - clonic seizures PMID 27872899 2016 De novo FGF12 mutation in 2 patients with neonatal-onset epilepsy.

rs869312825 in GNB1 gene and Tonic - clonic seizures PMID 27108799 2016 Germline De Novo Mutations in GNB1 Cause Severe Neurodevelopmental Disability, Hypotonia, and Seizures.

rs546151500 in ZNF142 gene and Tonic - clonic seizures PMID 31036918 2019 Recessive variants in ZNF142 cause a complex neurodevelopmental disorder with intellectual disability, speech impairment, seizures, and dystonia.