Gene: LINC01708

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Gene Summary:

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Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

rs6702619 in LINC01708 gene and Aortic valve calcification PMID 29511167 2018 A transcriptome-wide association study identifies PALMD as a susceptibility gene for calcific aortic valve stenosis.

rs7543130 in LINC01708 gene and Bicuspid aortic valve PMID 31387361 2019 Defects in the Exocyst-Cilia Machinery Cause Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease and Aortic Stenosis.

rs6702619 in LINC01708 gene and Colorectal Carcinoma PMID 22532847 2012 Pooled sample-based GWAS: a cost-effective alternative for identifying colorectal and prostate cancer risk variants in the Polish population.

rs6702619 in LINC01708 gene and Rheumatic aortic stenosis PMID 29511167 2018 A transcriptome-wide association study identifies PALMD as a susceptibility gene for calcific aortic valve stenosis.

PMID 29511194 2018 Genome-wide analysis yields new loci associating with aortic valve stenosis.