Gene: LOC105376579

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: IGSF22

Alternate names for this Gene: IGFN2

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 11

Location in Chromosome : 11p15.1

Description of this Gene: immunoglobulin superfamily member 22

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs1867877 in LOC105376579;IGSF22 gene and Alcohol-Induced Disorders PMID 28990359 2017 Ancestry-specific and sex-specific risk alleles identified in a genome-wide gene-by-alcohol dependence interaction study of risky sexual behaviors.

rs1867877 in LOC105376579;IGSF22 gene and Alcohol-Related Disorders PMID 28990359 2017 Ancestry-specific and sex-specific risk alleles identified in a genome-wide gene-by-alcohol dependence interaction study of risky sexual behaviors.

rs1867877 in LOC105376579;IGSF22 gene and Alcoholic Intoxication, Chronic PMID 28990359 2017 Ancestry-specific and sex-specific risk alleles identified in a genome-wide gene-by-alcohol dependence interaction study of risky sexual behaviors.