Gene: PNPLA7

Alternate names for this Gene: C9orf111|NTE-R1|NTEL1

Gene Summary: Human patatin-like phospholipases, such as PNPLA7, have been implicated in regulation of adipocyte differentiation and have been induced by metabolic stimuli (Wilson et al., 2006 [PubMed 16799181]).[supplied by OMIM, Jun 2008].

Gene is located in Chromosome: 9

Location in Chromosome : 9q34.3

Description of this Gene: patatin like phospholipase domain containing 7

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs139090762 in PNPLA7 gene and Alzheimer's Disease PMID 26830138 2016 Family-based association analyses of imputed genotypes reveal genome-wide significant association of Alzheimer's disease with OSBPL6, PTPRG, and PDCL3.