Variant: rs2361502

present in Gene: MROH2A present in Chromosome: 2 Position on Chromosome: 233790144 Alleles of this Variant: T/C

rs2361502 in MROH2A gene and Bilirubin level result PMID 19414484 2009 Genome-wide association meta-analysis for total serum bilirubin levels.

PMID 21646302 2011 Mayo Genome Consortia: a genotype-phenotype resource for genome-wide association studies with an application to the analysis of circulating bilirubin levels.

rs2361502 in MROH2A gene and Bilirubin measurement PMID 21646302 2011 Mayo Genome Consortia: a genotype-phenotype resource for genome-wide association studies with an application to the analysis of circulating bilirubin levels.

PMID 19414484 2009 Genome-wide association meta-analysis for total serum bilirubin levels.

PMID 30621171 2019 Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) on Bilirubin Concentrations in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome: Sex-Specific GWAS Analysis and Gene-Diet Interactions in a Mediterranean Population.

rs2361502 in MROH2A gene and Metabolic Syndrome X PMID 30621171 2019 Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) on Bilirubin Concentrations in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome: Sex-Specific GWAS Analysis and Gene-Diet Interactions in a Mediterranean Population.