Condition: Bulimia

rs6006893 in ARHGAP8;PRR5-ARHGAP8 gene and Bulimia PMID 24882193 2014 Bipolar disorder with comorbid binge eating history: a genome-wide association study implicates APOB.

PMID 29391396 2018 Bipolar disorder with binge eating behavior: a genome-wide association study implicates PRR5-ARHGAP8.

rs17810023 in BCKDHB gene and Bulimia PMID 29391396 2018 Bipolar disorder with binge eating behavior: a genome-wide association study implicates PRR5-ARHGAP8.

rs7904579 in CUBN gene and Bulimia PMID 29391396 2018 Bipolar disorder with binge eating behavior: a genome-wide association study implicates PRR5-ARHGAP8.

rs111940429 in LINC01789 gene and Bulimia PMID 29391396 2018 Bipolar disorder with binge eating behavior: a genome-wide association study implicates PRR5-ARHGAP8.

rs76087671 in LOC105372577 gene and Bulimia PMID 29391396 2018 Bipolar disorder with binge eating behavior: a genome-wide association study implicates PRR5-ARHGAP8.

rs182107583 in MMADHC-DT gene and Bulimia PMID 29391396 2018 Bipolar disorder with binge eating behavior: a genome-wide association study implicates PRR5-ARHGAP8.

rs145763646 in SLC25A26 gene and Bulimia PMID 29391396 2018 Bipolar disorder with binge eating behavior: a genome-wide association study implicates PRR5-ARHGAP8.