Condition: Estradiol level result

rs3779195 in BAIAP2L1 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 22829776 2012 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of circulating sex hormone-binding globulin reveals multiple Loci implicated in sex steroid hormone regulation.

rs12978500 in C2CD4C gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23251661 2012 Novel genetic loci identified for the pathophysiology of childhood obesity in the Hispanic population.

rs9901675 in CD68;LOC100996842 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 22829776 2012 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of circulating sex hormone-binding globulin reveals multiple Loci implicated in sex steroid hormone regulation.

rs11107531 in CEP83 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs4761470 in CEP83;PLXNC1 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs2445762 in CYP19A1 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 24049095 2013 Genome-wide association study of sex hormones, gonadotropins and sex hormone-binding protein in Chinese men.

rs2414095 in CYP19A1;MIR4713HG gene and Estradiol level result PMID 24049095 2013 Genome-wide association study of sex hormones, gonadotropins and sex hormone-binding protein in Chinese men.

rs727333 in DSCAM gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs597800 in EHD3 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 22675492 2012 Genome-wide association study of circulating estradiol, testosterone, and sex hormone-binding globulin in postmenopausal women.

rs780093 in GCKR gene and Estradiol level result PMID 22829776 2012 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of circulating sex hormone-binding globulin reveals multiple Loci implicated in sex steroid hormone regulation.

rs478665 in JAK1 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs7910927 in JMJD1C gene and Estradiol level result PMID 22829776 2012 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of circulating sex hormone-binding globulin reveals multiple Loci implicated in sex steroid hormone regulation.

rs1348184 in LOC101927066 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs200932358 in LOC102724596 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 22829776 2012 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of circulating sex hormone-binding globulin reveals multiple Loci implicated in sex steroid hormone regulation.

rs117585797 in LOC105369621;ANO2 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 26014426 2016 Genome-wide association study with 1000 genomes imputation identifies signals for nine sex hormone-related phenotypes.

rs4902141 in LOC105370529 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs16906958 in LOC105375916 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs35679777 in LOC105377842 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 31169883 2019 Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease.

rs8023580 in LOC112268156;NR2F2-AS1 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 22829776 2012 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of circulating sex hormone-binding globulin reveals multiple Loci implicated in sex steroid hormone regulation.

rs17042688 in LOC730100 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs12591359 in MIR4713HG;CYP19A1 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 31169883 2019 Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease.

rs727479 in MIR4713HG;CYP19A1;MIR4713 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 29325096 2018 Genetic Determinants of Circulating Estrogen Levels and Evidence of a Causal Effect of Estradiol on Bone Density in Men.

PMID 22675492 2012 Genome-wide association study of circulating estradiol, testosterone, and sex hormone-binding globulin in postmenopausal women.

rs6077414 in PLCB1 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs575315089 in PLXNC1;CEP83 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs12739262 in PPP1R12B gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23251661 2012 Novel genetic loci identified for the pathophysiology of childhood obesity in the Hispanic population.

rs12620464 in RFX8 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23518928 2013 TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.

rs35198051 in SHANK2 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 23251661 2012 Novel genetic loci identified for the pathophysiology of childhood obesity in the Hispanic population.

rs12150660 in SHBG gene and Estradiol level result PMID 22829776 2012 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of circulating sex hormone-binding globulin reveals multiple Loci implicated in sex steroid hormone regulation.

rs4149056 in SLCO1B1 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 22829776 2012 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of circulating sex hormone-binding globulin reveals multiple Loci implicated in sex steroid hormone regulation.

rs12913657 in SPPL2A gene and Estradiol level result PMID 31169883 2019 Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease.

rs1625895 in TP53 gene and Estradiol level result PMID 22829776 2012 A genome-wide association meta-analysis of circulating sex hormone-binding globulin reveals multiple Loci implicated in sex steroid hormone regulation.