Condition: Substance-Related Disorders

rs9829896 in KAT2B;MIR3135A gene and Substance-Related Disorders PMID 26202629 2016 KAT2B polymorphism identified for drug abuse in African Americans with regulatory links to drug abuse pathways in human prefrontal cortex.

rs12995333 in NCK2 gene and Substance-Related Disorders PMID 23533358 2013 NCK2 is significantly associated with opiates addiction in African-origin men.

rs12043259 in NFASC gene and Substance-Related Disorders PMID 23533358 2013 NCK2 is significantly associated with opiates addiction in African-origin men.

rs12284594 in PKNOX2 gene and Substance-Related Disorders PMID 21298047 2011 The nuclear transcription factor PKNOX2 is a candidate gene for substance dependence in European-origin women.