Condition: Taste Perception (mental process)

rs4725559 in AGK gene and Taste Perception (mental process) PMID 22132133 2011 Sensitivity of genome-wide-association signals to phenotyping strategy: the PROP-TAS2R38 taste association as a benchmark.

rs12539499 in CLEC5A;MGAM gene and Taste Perception (mental process) PMID 22132133 2011 Sensitivity of genome-wide-association signals to phenotyping strategy: the PROP-TAS2R38 taste association as a benchmark.

rs4726463 in DENND11 gene and Taste Perception (mental process) PMID 22132133 2011 Sensitivity of genome-wide-association signals to phenotyping strategy: the PROP-TAS2R38 taste association as a benchmark.

rs11762634 in MGAM gene and Taste Perception (mental process) PMID 22132133 2011 Sensitivity of genome-wide-association signals to phenotyping strategy: the PROP-TAS2R38 taste association as a benchmark.

rs713598 in MGAM;TAS2R38 gene and Taste Perception (mental process) PMID 22132133 2011 Sensitivity of genome-wide-association signals to phenotyping strategy: the PROP-TAS2R38 taste association as a benchmark.

rs10246939 in TAS2R38;MGAM gene and Taste Perception (mental process) PMID 22132133 2011 Sensitivity of genome-wide-association signals to phenotyping strategy: the PROP-TAS2R38 taste association as a benchmark.