Condition: VLDL cholesterol measurement

rs145556679 in DSCAML1 gene and VLDL cholesterol measurement PMID 28548082 2017 Whole genome sequencing and imputation in isolated populations identify genetic associations with medically-relevant complex traits.

rs150641967 in HAPLN4 gene and VLDL cholesterol measurement PMID 28548082 2017 Whole genome sequencing and imputation in isolated populations identify genetic associations with medically-relevant complex traits.

rs3826796 in HIF3A gene and VLDL cholesterol measurement PMID 29084231 2017 Common, low-frequency, and rare genetic variants associated with lipoprotein subclasses and triglyceride measures in Finnish men from the METSIM study.

rs964184 in ZPR1 gene and VLDL cholesterol measurement PMID 28548082 2017 Whole genome sequencing and imputation in isolated populations identify genetic associations with medically-relevant complex traits.