Gene: TRIM31

Alternate names for this Gene: C6orf13|HCG1|HCGI|RNF

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a protein that functions as an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase. This gene shows altered expression in certain tumors and may be a negative regulator of cell growth. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 6

Location in Chromosome : 6p22.1

Description of this Gene: tripartite motif containing 31

Type of Gene: protein-coding

Gene: TRIM31-AS1

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 6

Location in Chromosome : 6p22.1

Description of this Gene: TRIM31 antisense RNA 1

Type of Gene: ncRNA

rs2844795 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME, PROGRESSION TO PMID 20041166 2009 Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans.

rs2844795 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and AIDS, PROGRESSION TO PMID 20041166 2009 Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans.

rs4959041 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Ankylosing spondylitis PMID 21743469 2011 Interaction between ERAP1 and HLA-B27 in ankylosing spondylitis implicates peptide handling in the mechanism for HLA-B27 in disease susceptibility.

rs2523989 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Autoimmune thyroiditis PMID 25936594 2015 Genome wide identification of new genes and pathways in patients with both autoimmune thyroiditis and type 1 diabetes.

rs2023472 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Beta-2-microglobulin measurement PMID 23417110 2013 Genome-wide association study identified the human leukocyte antigen region as a novel locus for plasma beta-2 microglobulin.

rs2517598 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin-Dependent PMID 17632545 2007 A genome-wide association study identifies KIAA0350 as a type 1 diabetes gene.

PMID 25936594 2015 Genome wide identification of new genes and pathways in patients with both autoimmune thyroiditis and type 1 diabetes.

rs78026509 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Finding of Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

rs2844795 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and HIV-1, RESISTANCE TO PMID 20041166 2009 Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans.

rs2844795 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS TYPE 1, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PMID 20041166 2009 Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans.

rs2517598 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic PMID 24871463 2014 GWAS identifies novel SLE susceptibility genes and explains the association of the HLA region.

rs2517598 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Malignant neoplasm of lung PMID 22899653 2012 Influence of common genetic variation on lung cancer risk: meta-analysis of 14 900 cases and 29 485 controls.

rs2517598 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs2523990 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Rheumatoid Arthritis PMID 17804836 2007 TRAF1-C5 as a risk locus for rheumatoid arthritis--a genomewide study.

PMID 19503088 2009 REL, encoding a member of the NF-kappaB family of transcription factors, is a newly defined risk locus for rheumatoid arthritis.

rs11964542 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Vitiligo PMID 20526339 2010 Genome-wide association study for vitiligo identifies susceptibility loci at 6q27 and the MHC.