Condition: Myasthenia Gravis

rs3132610 in ABCF1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs2476601 in AP4B1-AS1;PTPN22 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs2071591 in ATP6V1G2-DDX39B;ATP6V1G2;NFKBIL1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 26562150 2016 Genome-Wide Association Study of Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis: Confirmation of TNFRSF11A and Identification of ZBTB10 and Three Distinct HLA Associations.

rs1980493 in BTNL2;TSBP1-AS1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs558702 in C2;ZBTB12;CYP21A2 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs1270942 in CFB;CYP21A2 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs3130618 in CSNK2B;GPANK1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs1235162 in GABBR1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs204990 in GPSM3 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs3130380 in HCG18;HCG17 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs3132580 in HCG21;SFTA2;MUCL3 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs150881176 in HLA-A gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 26562150 2016 Genome-Wide Association Study of Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis: Confirmation of TNFRSF11A and Identification of ZBTB10 and Three Distinct HLA Associations.

PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs3132685 in HLA-A;HCG9 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs9270986 in HLA-DRB1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 25643325 2015 A genome-wide association study of myasthenia gravis.

rs886424 in LINC00243 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs6998967 in LOC105375922 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 26562150 2016 Genome-Wide Association Study of Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis: Confirmation of TNFRSF11A and Identification of ZBTB10 and Three Distinct HLA Associations.

rs2187668 in LOC107986589;HLA-DQA2;HLA-DQA1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs2855812 in MICB gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs3099844 in MICB-DT gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs3131379 in MSH5;MSH5-SAPCD1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs886403 in MUC21 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs1634718 in MUC22 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs3131296 in NOTCH4 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs1265159 in POU5F1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs887464 in POU5F1;PSORS1C3 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs11229 in PRRC2A gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs3115663 in PRRC2A;MIR6832 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs3130564 in PSORS1C1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs2233956 in PSORS1C1;C6orf15 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs9963862 in RBBP8 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 26562150 2016 Genome-Wide Association Study of Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis: Confirmation of TNFRSF11A and Identification of ZBTB10 and Three Distinct HLA Associations.

rs9261290 in RNF39 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs12653117 in SEMA5A gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 26562150 2016 Genome-Wide Association Study of Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis: Confirmation of TNFRSF11A and Identification of ZBTB10 and Three Distinct HLA Associations.

rs389884 in STK19;CYP21A2;DXO gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs7750641 in TCF19 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs4263037 in TNFRSF11A gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 25643325 2015 A genome-wide association study of myasthenia gravis.

PMID 26562150 2016 Genome-Wide Association Study of Late-Onset Myasthenia Gravis: Confirmation of TNFRSF11A and Identification of ZBTB10 and Three Distinct HLA Associations.

rs1422673 in TNIP1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs2523987 in TRIM31-AS1;TRIM31 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs2517598 in TRIM31;TRIM31-AS1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs3129939 in TSBP1-AS1;TSBP1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs4678 in VARS2 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.

rs8321 in ZNRD1 gene and Myasthenia Gravis PMID 23055271 2012 Risk for myasthenia gravis maps to a (151) Pro→Ala change in TNIP1 and to human leukocyte antigen-B*08.