Condition: Homocysteine measurement

rs505922 in ABO gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 28495826 2017 Genetic Drivers of von Willebrand Factor Levels in an Ischemic Stroke Population and Association With Risk for Recurrent Stroke.

rs4962153 in ADAMTS13;CACFD1 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 28495826 2017 Genetic Drivers of von Willebrand Factor Levels in an Ischemic Stroke Population and Association With Risk for Recurrent Stroke.

rs10934753 in ALDH1L1-AS2;ALDH1L1 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 24651765 2014 Genome-wide meta-analysis of homocysteine and methionine metabolism identifies five one carbon metabolism loci and a novel association of ALDH1L1 with ischemic stroke.

rs12134663 in C1orf167;C1orf167-AS1 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs234709 in CBS gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

PMID 24651765 2014 Genome-wide meta-analysis of homocysteine and methionine metabolism identifies five one carbon metabolism loci and a novel association of ALDH1L1 with ischemic stroke.

PMID 20031578 2009 Novel associations of CPS1, MUT, NOX4, and DPEP1 with plasma homocysteine in a healthy population: a genome-wide evaluation of 13 974 participants in the Women's Genome Health Study.

rs6940729 in CD2AP gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 26519441 2016 Minor allele (T) carriers of identified CD2AP variant (rs6940729) exhibited decreased homocysteine level.

rs9296404 in CNPY3-GNMT gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 24651765 2014 Genome-wide meta-analysis of homocysteine and methionine metabolism identifies five one carbon metabolism loci and a novel association of ALDH1L1 with ischemic stroke.

rs1047891 in CPS1 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 24651765 2014 Genome-wide meta-analysis of homocysteine and methionine metabolism identifies five one carbon metabolism loci and a novel association of ALDH1L1 with ischemic stroke.

PMID 20154341 2010 Genome-wide association study of homocysteine levels in Filipinos provides evidence for CPS1 in women and a stronger MTHFR effect in young adults.

PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

PMID 20154341 2010 The most strongly associated single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (rs7422339, P = 4.7 x 10(-13)) encodes Thr1405Asn in the gene CPS1 and explained 3.0% of variation in the Hcy level.

rs1801222 in CUBN gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs154657 in DPEP1 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs12921383 in FANCA gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs838133 in FGF21;FUT1 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs10986018 in GABBR2 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 19744961 2009 Genome-wide significant predictors of metabolites in the one-carbon metabolism pathway.

rs2251468 in HNF1A-AS1 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs42648 in LOC107986715;GTPBP10 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs730123 in MFN2 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 30339177 2018 The 677C→T variant of MTHFR is the major genetic modifier of biomarkers of folate status in a young, healthy Irish population.

rs1801133 in MTHFR gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 20031578 2009 Novel associations of CPS1, MUT, NOX4, and DPEP1 with plasma homocysteine in a healthy population: a genome-wide evaluation of 13 974 participants in the Women's Genome Health Study.

PMID 23696881 2013 Imputation of variants from the 1000 Genomes Project modestly improves known associations and can identify low-frequency variant-phenotype associations undetected by HapMap based imputation.

PMID 30339177 2018 The 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) 677C→T (rs1801133) variant was the major genetic modifier of all 3 folate-related biomarkers in this Irish population and reached genome-wide significance for red blood cell folate (P = 1.37 × 10-17), serum folate (P = 2.82 × 10-11), and plasma total homocysteine (P = 1.26 × 10-19) concentrations.

PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs2275565 in MTR gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs7130284 in NOX4 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs4660306 in PRDX1;MMACHC gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs4948102 in PSPH gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 24651765 2014 Genome-wide meta-analysis of homocysteine and methionine metabolism identifies five one carbon metabolism loci and a novel association of ALDH1L1 with ischemic stroke.

rs548987 in SLC17A3 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.

rs12780845 in TRDMT1 gene and Homocysteine measurement PMID 23824729 2013 Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease.