Condition: QRS complex feature

rs7909027 in CACNB2 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs1562782 in CAND1.11;AMPD3 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs4642101 in CAND2 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs3929778 in CASC20 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs4074536 in CASQ2 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs7537765 in CLCN6 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs359466 in CPEB4 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs7562790 in CRIM1 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs10865879 in EXOG gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs174577 in FADS2 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs879568 in FHOD3 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs2025096 in GSS gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs17020136 in HEATR5B gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs3777755 in HIVEP1 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs11079159 in HLF gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs1886512 in KLF12 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs7198919 in LITAF gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs1733724 in LNCAROD gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

PMID 20062063 2010 Several common variants modulate heart rate, PR interval and QRS duration.

rs1408224 in LRCH1 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs12764182 in LRMDA gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs17608766 in LRRC37A2;GOSR2 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs242562 in MAPT gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs13314892 in MITF gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs10488821 in MPPED2 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs11700980 in N6AMT1 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs2207790 in NFIA gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs7211246 in NSRP1 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs6683273 in PRDM16 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs9912468 in PRKCA gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs6795970 in SCN10A gene and QRS complex feature PMID 20062063 2010 Several common variants modulate heart rate, PR interval and QRS duration.

PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs11708996 in SCN5A gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs10853525 in SETBP1 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs11848785 in SIPA1L1 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs2242285 in SLC25A26;LRIG1 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs3770770 in STRN gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs3825214 in TBX5 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

PMID 20062063 2010 Several common variants modulate heart rate, PR interval and QRS duration.

rs4687718 in TKT gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs2997447 in TRIM63 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs7283707 in USP25 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs7342028 in VTI1A gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs1991601 in WIPF1 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.

rs13195040 in ZNF184 gene and QRS complex feature PMID 27659466 2016 52 Genetic Loci Influencing Myocardial Mass.