Condition: Narcolepsy 1

rs1551570 in ANGPTL6;PPAN;PPAN-P2RY11;SNORD105 gene and Narcolepsy 1 PMID 25669430 2015 EIF3G is associated with narcolepsy across ethnicities.

rs3826784 in EIF3G gene and Narcolepsy 1 PMID 25669430 2015 EIF3G is associated with narcolepsy across ethnicities.

rs2305795 in EIF3G;PPAN-P2RY11;P2RY11 gene and Narcolepsy 1 PMID 25669430 2015 EIF3G is associated with narcolepsy across ethnicities.

rs104894574 in HCRT gene and Narcolepsy 1 PMID 10973318 2000 A mutation in a case of early onset narcolepsy and a generalized absence of hypocretin peptides in human narcoleptic brains.

rs12460842 in PPAN;P2RY11;PPAN-P2RY11 gene and Narcolepsy 1 PMID 25669430 2015 EIF3G is associated with narcolepsy across ethnicities.