Condition: Neoplasms

rs1057519843 in APC gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs113488022 in BRAF gene and Neoplasms PMID 15035987 2004 Mechanism of activation of the RAF-ERK signaling pathway by oncogenic mutations of B-RAF.

PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs1057519849 in CASC11;MYC gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs1057519852 in CDKN2A gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs121913390 in CSF1R gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs1057519836 in CTNNB1 gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs1057519816 in ERBB2 gene and Neoplasms PMID 22908275 2012 Functional analysis of receptor tyrosine kinase mutations in lung cancer identifies oncogenic extracellular domain mutations of ERBB2.

rs1057519817 in ERBB3 gene and Neoplasms PMID 23680147 2013 Oncogenic ERBB3 mutations in human cancers.

rs121913472 in FGFR1 gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs11554273 in GNAS gene and Neoplasms PMID 21835143 2012 GNAS-activating mutations define a rare subgroup of inflammatory liver tumors characterized by STAT3 activation.

PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs1057519855 in HRAS;LRRC56 gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs104894228 in LRRC56;HRAS gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs1057519730 in MAP2K1 gene and Neoplasms PMID 19915144 2009 MEK1 mutations confer resistance to MEK and B-RAF inhibition.

PMID 23614898 2013 Discovery of a novel ERK inhibitor with activity in models of acquired resistance to BRAF and MEK inhibitors.

rs1057519824 in MET gene and Neoplasms PMID 17483355 2007 An orally available small-molecule inhibitor of c-Met, PF-2341066, exhibits cytoreductive antitumor efficacy through antiproliferative and antiangiogenic mechanisms.

rs28933369 in MIR4728;ERBB2 gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs1057519851 in MYC gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs121918683 in MYC;CASC11 gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs121434596 in NRAS gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs121913279 in PIK3CA gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs1057519757 in PIK3R1 gene and Neoplasms PMID 19962457 2010 Somatic mutations in PI3Kalpha: structural basis for enzyme activation and drug design.

PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

PMID 24459181 2014 The structural basis of PI3K cancer mutations: from mechanism to therapy.

rs121909229 in PTEN gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs121913296 in RB1 gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs121913304 in RB1;LOC112268118 gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs75996173 in RET gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs121913314 in SRC gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs121913315 in STK11 gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

rs11540652 in TP53 gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.

PMID 24651012 2014 Mutant p53 in cancer: new functions and therapeutic opportunities.

PMID 17015838 2006 Structural basis for understanding oncogenic p53 mutations and designing rescue drugs.

PMID 11101847 2000 Role of the p53-homologue p73 in E2F1-induced apoptosis.

PMID 18391940 2008 p53 regulates glucose metabolism through an IKK-NF-kappaB pathway and inhibits cell transformation.

rs104893829 in VHL gene and Neoplasms PMID 25157968 2014 Prospective enterprise-level molecular genotyping of a cohort of cancer patients.