Condition: Androgenetic Alopecia

rs572756998 in ARL17B gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs12565727 in C1orf127 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 22693459 2012 Six novel susceptibility Loci for early-onset androgenetic alopecia and their unexpected association with common diseases.

PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs9398803 in CENPW gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs78311490 in DKK2 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs13021718 in DPY30;MEMO1 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs12902958 in DRAIC gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs1422798 in EBF1 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs77767830 in EIF3E gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs79593277 in EMC2 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs10888690 in FAF1 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs3781452 in FAM53B gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs4690116 in FGF5 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs11578119 in GORAB;GORAB-AS1 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs2073963 in HDAC9 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 22693459 2012 Six novel susceptibility Loci for early-onset androgenetic alopecia and their unexpected association with common diseases.

PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs12203592 in IRF4 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs201408539 in KANSL1 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs35892873 in KLF15 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs143149578 in KLF8 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs72809171 in LINC00670 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs11087368 in LINC01432 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

PMID 18849991 2008 We conducted a genome-wide association study for androgenic alopecia in 1,125 men and identified a newly associated locus at chromosome 20p11.22, confirmed in three independent cohorts (n = 1,650; OR = 1.60, P = 1.1 x 10(-14) for rs1160312).

PMID 22693459 2012 Six novel susceptibility Loci for early-onset androgenetic alopecia and their unexpected association with common diseases.

rs71421546 in LOC100129455;HOXD-AS2 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs68088846 in LOC102724584;RUNX1 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs9300169 in LOC105369705;LOC105369704;SSPN gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs7974900 in LOC105369705;SSPN;LOC105369704 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs1819008 in LOC105373757 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs34991987 in LOC105375343 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

PMID 22693459 2012 Six novel susceptibility Loci for early-onset androgenetic alopecia and their unexpected association with common diseases.

PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs16863765 in LOC107986047 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs2149150 in LOC112267894;OFCC1 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs11593840 in LRMDA gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs919462 in MAPT gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs9719620 in MKLN1-AS;MKLN1 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs7642536 in MRPS22 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs7061504 in OPHN1 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs6788232 in PRR23A gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs3827760 in RANBP2;EDAR gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs182973285 in RSPO2 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs10502861 in SLC14A2 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 22693459 2012 Six novel susceptibility Loci for early-onset androgenetic alopecia and their unexpected association with common diseases.

PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs12373124 in SPPL2C;MAPT-AS1 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 22693459 2012 Six novel susceptibility Loci for early-onset androgenetic alopecia and their unexpected association with common diseases.

rs9282858 in SRD5A2 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs111668293 in TBX15 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs11694173 in THADA gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.

rs7349332 in WNT10A gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 29146897 2017 GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk.

rs74333950 in WNT10A;LOC107984111 gene and Androgenetic Alopecia PMID 27182965 2016 Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits.